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Antiguo 05/02/2006, 12:04   #6
Avatar de Cocoleo3680
Fecha de ingreso: 06/dic/2002
Mensajes: 683
Cocoleo3680 llegará a ser famoso muy pronto
Creo que la información que antes di no es del todo correcta, asi que aquí os dejo copiado lo que yo encontré al respecto:

FAQ oficial de bitcomet:

[edit]What is the 4226 issue in Windows XP SP2?
Windows XP SP2 limits the number of TCP connection attempts to 10 (quite small ). If there are more concurrent TCP connection attempts, Windows generates a warning: EventID 4226: TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of concurrent TCP connect attempts. You can go to Xp's Admin tool, event viewer, look in system tab and notice tcpip entry (with yellow warning sign). The detailed discription can be found in Microsoft documentation: Event 4226, EVENT_TCPIP_TCP_CONNECT_LIMIT_REACHED

In Windows XP SP2 there are only 10 concurrent TCP connection attempts possible, while in SP1 it has not been limited. (A connection attemp is a query to a computer, if it accept the TCP connection or not. If the computer is for example no more existent, it will be waited for a few seconds, until a timeout occurs and the connection attemp get canceled. )

[edit]Do I need to patch tcpip.sys for 4226 issue in Windows XP SP2?
BitComet 0.55 or above can work correctly under Windows XP SP2 without patch. However, limiting the connection attempt by the system may result in a slower speed at the beginning of downloading, since fewer peers can be connected at the same time. For those behind a NAT or firewall, the thrid-party [ patch] for tcpip.sys to fix that SP2 issue is still recommended.
Podeis encontrar el parche en la web
Patcher Version 2.23 released!
No day passed since the last version and a new is out again.
The patcher can now access the TCPIP.SYS on 64-bit systems (since SP1) (thx Pyr0 for the info!).

I'm still looking for Itanium 64 Windows XP 64 files with limitation to add support to the next version.
Thx from me to my tester Pyr0 and Zippostar. Without you a 64-bit support would not yet be possible!
Addon: 2.23b fixes a small bug processing a registry key correctly

El enlace directo de descarga es este:

Y estas son las instrucciones que nos dan:

Event ID 4226 Patcher (4226 fix)
What's this all about?
After almost everybody knows the <>, I used a day to create for educational purpose a fix for this argumentative feature.

Unfortunately there exists no REG-key which could easily be set (would be so nice and easy, right? *smile*). The file TCPIP.SYS in the directory C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS and C:\WINDOWS\SERVICEPACKFILES\I386 has to be changed (system dependend eventually in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DLLCACHE, too).

Needed things:
- Windows XP SP2 (from RC2 upwards) or Windows 2003 Server SP1 beta
- patcher
- a small amount of time

What's been done:
To say it easy: the before 10 half-open connections are beeing increased to 50 (can be changed during runtime and with the parameter /L) and the CRC is been corrected. And that's it!

The method described here, should only be used by users, who know how to handle all the described. With the download of the here published program the user know, that changes are made on third party files. For damages in every kind I cannot be hold responsible for. Indeed, tests worked fine here. However, nothing is impossible.
Info: When error occurs, the patcher can change the TCPIP.SYS back to the original!

Just download the patcher and execute it. It will automatically find the windows directory and ask, if it should increase/decrease. For higher values, please check the help with parameter /?.
After a successful patch, the new TCPIP.SYS will be automatically installed. After that, the computer should be restarted.
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[b][color=red]Un saludo, Leo.-[/color][/b]
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