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> PROGRAMAS P2P (eMule, eDonkey, BitTorrent)
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Antiguo 16/11/2004, 19:37   #1
Usuario Activo
Fecha de ingreso: 04/nov/2003
Mensajes: 156
Sauro22 está en el buen camino
La solución:

Comparte y tranquilo que ya empezaras a descargar ya no me la creo.
ESo de compartir a mi no me vale!!!
Tenia la versión 0.42d y me andaba de fabulaaaaa!!!!
Probe lo del wecbache y na de naaaa, Entonces regrese al 0.42d y llevo 6 dias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
subiendo a una media de 10 KB/s y descargando a la mierda de 7KB/s.
Por cierto tengo en la carpeta incoming 23.7 GB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ESto no son creditos o que??? Esto no se llama compartir????
A ver quien da una solucion porque lo de compartir estoy harto de oirlo!!!!
Sauro22 está desconectado
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Publicidad: Conoce las ofertas de ANUNCIATE
Antiguo 17/11/2004, 00:17   #2
Usuario PREMIUM+
Fecha de ingreso: 21/jul/2003
Mensajes: 4.985
jag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asi
Yo con edonkey2000 ver 1.0 todo el día entre 40 y 60Kb/s instale el eDexter y va como una bala, esta tarde he visto picos en descarga de 90Kb/s, en la carpeta incoming la verdad es que no tengo ahora mucho, no llega a 1 Gb.

jag1024 está desconectado
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Antiguo 17/11/2004, 00:18   #3
Usuario PREMIUM+
Avatar de Heart_
Fecha de ingreso: 23/nov/2002
Mensajes: 348
Heart_ es realmente agradableHeart_ es realmente agradableHeart_ es realmente agradableHeart_ es realmente agradableHeart_ es realmente agradable
Nunca he probado el edonkey2000 , para que sirve el e Dexter y sobre todo que conex tienes?
Heart_ está desconectado
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Antiguo 19/11/2004, 00:10   #4
Usuario PREMIUM+
Fecha de ingreso: 21/jul/2003
Mensajes: 4.985
jag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asi
Hace unos dias en la página principal de avisos del edonkey2000 recomendaban instalar el eDexter si bajaba la velocidad, parece ser un gestor o algo así, asta hace unos dias antes de instalarlo la velocidad era de 20Kb/s como máximo, ahora estoy alucinando no baja de 50Kb/sde ahí para arriba y varias veces a llegado a más de 90Kb/s, mi conexión es adsl 512K (antes 256) de telefónica y la configuración del edonkey es en avanzado>redes edonkey2000 pinchado, en red todos los limites a 0Kb/s, conexiones máximas 2000 puerto tcp/ip 12000 udp 5109 y tengo los puertos abiertos incluido el 12000.

Este es el RealaseNotes del eDexter:

eDexter 1.34
Copyright (C) 1999 - 2001 Pyrenean
All rights reserved.

eDexter is free to individuals for personal non-commercial use.
Commercial users contact Pyrenean for licensing details.

To read this document properly from Notepad, select word wrap, and maximize this window.

--- --- --- ---
eDexter IS:

a software filter and a personal server that works in two ways:

First, in conjunction with Hosts and a PACfile (If the PAC option is enabled),
or in conjunction with Hosts alone, it will allow you to filter out sites that
you consider objectionable, and do not wish to access. It can block an
acceptable site from sending you images from an unacceptable site server
(where your presence can be recorded), or from being redirected to an
objectionable site. You decide what is objectionable, based on entries in
Hosts or PAC files.

Second, it will act as a limited personal web server, which will operate only
on your local machine (IP Whenever the filter has been activated,
instead of the unacceptable data being retrieved from the web, eDexter will
intercept the search and act as if IT were the site, and quickly return a
small image to be inserted in the present loading page. Your page loads
faster, with less objectionable material on it. No time is wasted searching
for the site (DNS search), waiting to connect, and downloading the request.
Also no tracking software at the offsite location has been given any
information about you. Your privacy is improved.

Using Hosts as a filter, without eDexter, will cause your browser to a wait
for the file to load, from your own machine, and because the file is not
there, your browser will eventually time out. This may take 10-30 seconds or
more and would be repeated for each requested image on that page. If there are
20 loads from an objectionable site on one page, you will have to wait 20
times as long. Using eDexter will almost eliminate that delay.

--- --- --- ---
eDexter IS NOT:

eDexter is not able to block all objectionable sites. You can block a lot, if
you keep the filters up to date. As more sites are added to the internet, new
domain names are in use, and the objectionable ones need to be added to the
files. Companies change their names frequently, and use other means to get
more proficient in defeating 'blocking' software.

eDexter does not protect your computer from viruses, worms, or other nasty
programming, that can be 'piggy backed' in on images or other data. It does
not protect you from hackers, who may wish to 'look' at your machine.

eDexter Personal Edition is not able to be used by any machines other than
your local machine. If you are a corporate, educational, or government entity
you must purchase eDexter. A multi-user version of eDexter that allows
machines to use a single copy of eDexter for filtering is available for

Use of a Firewall and up-to-date AntiVirus Software is strongly recommended.
Even if you don't use this product.

--- --- --- ---
FEATURES OF eDEXTER (Version 1.33):
Logging (Against our better judgement)
PAC (proxy auto configuration) support.
Select images folder
Edit Hosts file
Edit pac file
Auto start in stealth mode
hide/show system tray icon
Installer version creates menu and startup shortcuts

dexterln.exe (131kb, 134,633bytes) includes install
>>>>> filename.ext (xxxKb, xxx,xxxbytes) no install option

files include:
dxeula.txt releasenotes.txt
eDexter.exe image.x.gif (x is single digit 0-6)
hosts.dxt.txt pacdata.txt
uninstall.exe (installer version only)

--- --- --- ---

Using this option allows eDexter to filter with only a few entries in the
Hosts file. The Hosts.Dxt.txt file is a sample of the needed minimum entries.
The file pacdata.txt contains the necessary entries to filter a large number
of sites, deemed worthy of filtering, by the author. You will need to modify
the filter rules in pacdata.txt in order to achieve the same level of
filtering achieved using the Hosts technique. PAC filtering is not system-
level and may not prevent as many eMail web-bugs or advertisements as the
Hosts method. eDexter's PAC file support is accomplished without additional
software on your computer.

Some browser/platform combinations may not be able to use the PAC option.
Other netscape or mozilla users may be able to use PAC in a reduced mode. READ

Because of the problems with the Netscape and Mozilla browsers, the file
pacdata.txt has been set up with certain features nonfunctional. Although you
can run IE with this file as is, you should remove the restrictions. Full
instructions are contained in the pacdata.txt file.

--- --- --- ---

If you are running an existing version of eDexter please exit it prior to
running the Installer or copying the new version to your eDexter folder.

---->>>> Version with installer.
Double-click the downloaded file. It will by default be installed into
c:\Program Files\Pyrenean\, but you could select any other folder. You will be
asked whether you wish to create menu entries, and/or a startup shortcut.

---->>>> Without installer.
Create a folder, preferably c:\program files\pyrenean\ and move or copy the
download into this folder. Double click on the file, and it will expand. No
shortcuts, or menu entries will be made. You may wish to create a shortcut or
two. See Start menu and System Tray Menus for additional details.

Make sure that there is a file called hosts in your c:\windows directory.
(Hosts is a file with no extension, not a folder). If you are going to use the
PAC (proxy auto configuration), you may wish to rename and save the existing
hosts file as hosts.txt and then rename the new eDexter file hosts.dxt.txt
(found in the newly created eDexter folder) to hosts, and then move or copy it
into your C:\Windows directory.

The distribution's hosts.dxt.txt file contains only two host name entries.
Hosts filtering offers system-level privacy protection for e-mail and programs
other than your browser. PAC filtering is not possible for all programs that
access the Internet. If you are currently using a Hosts file, it is acceptable
to leave your existing entries and only add the entry. The
PAC and this rule will help your browser filter more sites that your existing
hosts may not currently filter.

Leave the pacdata.txt in the eDexter folder.

---->>>>For Netscape and Mozilla:
browser, select Edit|Preferences - Advanced - Proxies select Automatic Proxy
Configuration and enter the following into the text window

---->>>>Internet Explorer:
Open browser, select Tools|Internet Options|Connections If you use DSL/Cable
or LAN click 'LAN Settings' If you use Dialup, select your ISP and click
'Settings' on the new page select 'Use Automatic Configuration Script' and
enter the following

IE Users - don't forget to change the switches in pacdata.txt to have full

--- --- --- ---

The following lists show the function of all the start menu and system tray

SYSTEM TRAY ICONS (if visible):
Grayed dog biscuit - Stop mode - double-click to toggle to start
White dog biscuit - Start mode - double-click to toggle to stop
Blinking dog biscuit - Active
No dog biscuit - Either hidden or not running.

If you did not install the start menu entries, you will have to use command line
functions from start|run.

commandline example:
c:\program files\pyrenean\edexter\edexter.exe [/switch]

START MENU ENTRIES switch Function
eDexter -(none) - Starts eDexter
Exit eDexter - /q - Stops eDexter
Toggle Tray - /h - toggles system tray hide/show
Filter Rules - - Opens pacdata.txt in editor
Release Notes - - Opens this file in editor
Stealth eDexter - /h - toggles system tray hide/show
Uninstall - - Uninstalls program
User License - - Opens End User License Text
Visible eDexter - /v - If not running, starts in visible mode

About eDexter... - /a - Displays about box
Edit Hosts File... - /e - Locates and opens HOSTS in editor
Edit PAC Data... - - Opens pacdata.txt in editor
Start -(none) - Toggles Run/Stop
Stop - /q - Toggles Run/Stop
Hide on Start - /h - Toggles System tray Icon Hide/Show for next start
Use Images - /i - Toggles random images in folder, or internal gif
if not selected.
Log - - Toggles logging on/off eDexter.log - eDexter folder
Auto PAC - - Toggles Proxy auto configuration on/off
Select Images Folder - /f - Folder selection for the images folder.
Exit - /q - Disables and exits eDexter.
command line only - /t - Starts eDexter, defaults to no images

--- --- --- ---
TO UNINSTALL (If you really want to):
Shut down eDexter. Goto Start|Settings|Control Panel|Add/Remove Programs and
select eDexter and then click 'add/remove'

Do you still need the hosts file? If not, it can be renamed hosts.txt, in case
you reinstall eDexter.

If you used PAC, open your browser and remove the Automatic Proxy
Configurations that were made during the PAC setup

--- --- --- ---

The Host file is like a local telephone directory for IP
addresses, a weird number like 216.65.377.84 These are the real identifiers of
computers on the internet. URL's and Domain Names are only for us humans.

When you enter a location address by site name, or when a loading page directs
you to another site by name, your computer will check Hosts first. If Hosts is
not found, or if the name is not listed in Hosts, your computer will then link
to a D(omain) N(ame) S(erver), a name/IP number matching service, to find the
IP number. If you have a Hosts file, the matching IP is returned and is
directly addressed without the DNS search. With the host filtering method used
by eDexter, named sites are given the number, which is the default
IP for your own computer.

Instead of going to the web for the requested page, image, etc. your browser
will look for your computer to supply the requested item. Without a program
like eDexter, the search would eventually time-out, and your browser would
stall. eDexter is set up to intercept this search and quickly return a small
image which will be placed in your browser.

However, Hosts blocks entire Domain names. If [url][/url] (used for
example only) was found in hosts, and was set to, then you would not
be able to contact any address starting with [url][/url].

PAC works similarly. It still requires a Hosts file, but only two entries are
really necessary. They should be in this order. Any other entries should
(Minimum Hosts for PAC operation) localhost

the remainder of the data used for filtering is found in the pacdata.txt file,
and is a much smaller file than the nonPAC Hosts. PAC will allow a filter
match on a DNS, URL, or IP. The PAC files can block certain addresses, unless
they meet additional filtering criteria.>>>>> You could block access to
[url][/url], but allow access to [url][/url].

eDexter does not open a port to the outside world,, nor does it need one. It
works entirely within your local IP address This version does block
port 80 to the outside world. However, if you connect to the Internet you
should consider obtaining a personal firewall, such as ZoneAlarm. Most
firewalls, including ZoneAlarm allow you to specifically block external access
to your computer FROM the net, and to allow only those programs that you
specifically permit, to connect TO the net. For example, ZoneAlarm will allow
you to deny eDexter's access to the Internet.

If you use a firewall, configure the firewall to disallow eDexter's access to
the internet but to enable eDexter's access to the local machine. Since
eDexter only operates on your localhost IP-address of, eDexter may
be able to operate even if your firewall is set to block eDexter from a
connection with your local machine. If your firewall acts in this fashion, you
may as well set your firewall to disallow both local and internet connections.
It then doesn't make any difference.

You do not have to run DNSKong with this version of eDexter. However, as the
author of DNSKong, we are biased towards it and suggest you might find it
useful. It offers security at the system level, and can block programs that do
not use the PAC file approach. eDexter is completely compatible with DNSKong
except if you use the PAC option. To use PAC, first edit the named.txt file in
DNSKong, and add
Shared versions of DNSKong, such as Private Networks or Enterprise Edition
should not add the entry in named.txt.

This version of eDexter enables logging. A log file may be used to violate
your privacy and to track your browsing, both by other people at your
computer, or by others that you let in past your firewall. You do have a
firewall, right? We don't use the log ourselves and we recommend that you not
use it, or that you periodically clear it out.

eDexter can supply one of 6 gif images, at random, to your browser. Other gif
images are available and can be substituted for the included ones, but as they
will probably be distorted to fit into various size ad frames, smaller is
better. If you choose not to use images, eDexter will display a small
transparent image instead.

eDexter Server version (commercially available version) can accept connections
from the Internet. If you are using this version you should establish firewall
rules to restrict access to eDexter as you need. For example, if you are using
eDexter server and DNSKong on a private network you should restrict access to
eDexter (and DNSKong) to your local net. And remember to set up those firewall

You can verify eDexter's operation by using the command-line, netstat -an,
this will show something similar to:
C:\>netstat -an
Active Connection
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State

You will also notice other connections to This indicates that
eDexter is operating and serving properly.

Created upon install
Note: Command-line parameters override .ini file entries.
C:\WINDOWS\EDEXTER.INI (typical entry)

HideOnStart=1 #>>>>> Start invisible? (0 - no, 1 - yes)
Images=1 #>>>>> Use file images? (0 - no, 1 - yes)
Log=0 #>>>>> Use Log? (0 - no, 1 - yes)
ImagesFolder=C:\Program Files\eDexter
AutoPac=1 #>>>>> Use AutoPAC? (0 - no, 1 - yes)

--- --- --- ---

Version 1.34 has been verified with Mozilla, Netscape versions 4.3 -4.7 and
Internet Explorer 5-6. However, some versions of netscape, or mozilla, may not
work with all PAC options. Even when browsers work with the PAC option it only
offers limited versatility. To prevent problems, the pacdata.txt file, as
delivered, comes with certain features disabled, to prevent causing problems
when installed on netscape or mozilla machines. Read the documentation
contained within pacdata.txt for details.

PAC works best in Internet Explorer. The file pacdata.txt should be modified
to enable full use as needed. IE users should read the documentation contained
within pacdata.txt and follow the additional steps to obtain full

By default, eDexter's PAC filters block numeric IP access. If you are using a
web configurable NAT router such as a LinkSys Cable Modem, you will need to
set the PAC filter rules to allow access to the internal IP for the Cable
modem (generally , If you are also accessing internal (intranet)
web servers by IP number you will need to allow access to those IPs as well.
Our observations are that only Internet Explorer functions properly with
passing network IP rules (+N) in the PAC data file.

--- --- --- ---

Gorilla for managing distribution and fielding the many questions.
Kudos to Rick, who supplied the gif images, introduced the start menu items,
and identified a firewall configuration issue.
Bob for his technical analyses, and suggestions for improvements in this and
future versions. Charlie for documentation hints, performance observations and
usage notes.
Thanks to Jamie and Bruce for their wonderful suggestions and motivation.
Gil, for a lot of work!
Aryeh, for suggestions, helpful hints and many other things.

All thanks to the people who use eDexter!
And of course,
Dexter is a good dog!

--- --- --- ---
Version Modification History:

Ver 1.34
Fixes HTTP response to correctly supply PAC header.

Ver 1.33
Added log feature
added proxy-auto-configuration (PAC)
added pacfile edit

Ver 1.32 (Restricted public release)
Added menu selections for:
Edit Hosts File...
Select Images Folder
Repaired Hide on start handling to honor preferred start option.
Modified GIF server to allow different folders for images.

Ver 1.2
Changed version numbering scheme.
Added command line parameters.
Changed default start up to hide-on-start.
Enabled Hide menu at all times.
Start and Stop menu items now act as toggles.
Start menu shortcuts.
You can now control eDexter while keeping eDexter's tray icon hidden.

Ver 1.145
Blocked port 80 to external internet connections.
Included Rick's Indicators as default images.
Added a "Use Images" option.
Corrected initial icon display on startup when "Hide on Start" is selected.
Added ability to handle requests that could result in Server not Found condition.

Ver 1.14
Added Hide on Start menu option.
Corrected Automatic Hide on start up behavior.
Corrected internal Version number.
Abbreviated response header.
Reduced executable size.

Ver 1.1.3
Complete rewrite of underlying server code.
Reducted executable size.
Fixed port 80 hang on NT 4.0
Modified Taskbar icons. No more dogs.
Added six 1-pixel transparent images.
Allowed use of alternate images.
Corrected default menu item toggle.
Hide tray icon option added.
Now using eDexter.ini file in Windows system folder.

Ver 1.1.2
Beta of 1.1.3
corrected memory leak

Ver 1.0
eDexter initial release


31 July 2001
jag1024 está desconectado
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Antiguo 19/11/2004, 01:39   #5
Usuario Activo
Avatar de hayhay
Fecha de ingreso: 22/ene/2004
Mensajes: 2.437
hayhay está en el buen camino
Tu notas realmente que vaya mas rapido???

Lo digo porque "50Kb/sde ahí para arriba y varias veces a llegado a más de 90Kb/s, mi conexión es adsl 512K (antes 256) " yo diria que esto es imposible, si tienes 512k no puedes recibir mas de 54 kb/s, por tanto tiene pinta de que te falsee los datos de la velocidad.

Yo diria que es eso, te duplica la velocidad : "Second, it will act as a limited personal web server, which will operate only
on your local machine (IP" al ser un servidor web local le hara pensar al gestor de descarga que la velocidad es el doble posiblemente.

Curiosamente buscando edexter en google no sale ningun enlace en español.

La pagina, o una pagina con ello podria ser: [url][/url]

Última edición por hayhay; 19/11/2004 a las 01:48.
hayhay está desconectado
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Antiguo 19/11/2004, 02:23   #6
Usuario PREMIUM+
Fecha de ingreso: 21/jul/2003
Mensajes: 4.985
jag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asi
Yo diria que la velocidad es real, comparando días atras cuando no pasaba de 20kb/s la verdad es que se me va llenando el disco duro un ej puse el labview más de 700Mb el domingo por la tarde y el lunes al mediodia estaba completo, teniendo encuenta que tengo unas 30 descargas más, no esta mal, el enlace del eDexter es correcto, lo baje de ahí.

hayhay si quieres probar con eDonkey2000+eDexter para ver si consiges la misma tasa de transferencia, haz lo siguiente, reinicia el pc, abre tu conexión, despues desconecta saca la clavija usb del modem, vuelve a ponerla y vuelve a conectar a internet, haciendo esto a mi me pone conectado a 10,0mbps quiza eso también tenga que ver, acabo de mirar las descargas y esta entre 70 y 90kb/s y creeme se nota como se ventila las descargas.

jag1024 está desconectado
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Antiguo 19/11/2004, 05:52   #7
Usuario Activo
Avatar de hayhay
Fecha de ingreso: 22/ene/2004
Mensajes: 2.437
hayhay está en el buen camino
Habra que probarlo, pero me remito a lo anterior.

Es posible que te haya mejorado, pero yo diria que te da doble la infomacion.

Para que te hagas una idea, yo con adsl-256 kb me he bajado casi siempre 1.4-1.6 gb diarios, si la linea va a tope con 512 se puede bajar por tanto facil unos 3 gb diarios, pero eso si, nunca se puede ir a mas de unos 56 kb/s.

Por lo del programa de ejemplo no veo que diga mucho, deberias tal vez mirar cuanto ocupan los directorios temp e incoming 24 horas despues del dia anterior para saber cuanto en realidad has bajado. Podria haber tenido un monton de fuentes y cogerlo mas deprisa que el resto, el emule es asi.

Tambien me parece raro que un programa positivo ni siquiera tenga una sola entrada en google en español.

Y/o animo a otro(s) a probarlo y dar su veredicto.
hayhay está desconectado
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Antiguo 19/11/2004, 13:04   #8
Usuario PREMIUM+
Fecha de ingreso: 21/jul/2003
Mensajes: 4.985
jag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asijag1024 Va a salirse de la galaxia como siga asi
Antes de que me doblaran la velocidad (la semana pasada) y pusiera este fin de semana ese programa el edonkey2000 hiba a una media de 20Kb/s incluso muchas veces tenia problemas para que pasara los 20 la verdad es que el emule lo deje de lado porque este me ha ido siempre más rápido, ademas no se si lo habras notado (por lo menos a mi) el edonkey cuando buscas encuentra más, la verdad es que a mi tambien me sorprende, tengo 106 descargas y ahora 30 descargando, he llegado a ver una de ellas a 20Kb/s, y algo que no entiendo es que anoche mientras me descargaba entre 60 y 70 la subida era de 2Kb/s en fin no entiendo nada.

Si con emule no os sube probar con edonkey2000 ver 1.0 en español el server que suelo tener es TLF Taiwan ED Server ed2k://|server||7654|

jag1024 está desconectado
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